morning thoughts


Now that I look back, it seems to me that in all that deep darkness, a miracle was preparing. So I am right to remember it as a blessed time, and myself as waiting in confidence, even if I had no idea what I was waiting for.

Gilead, Marilynne Robinson


Nobody has seen the trekking birds take their way towards such warmer spheres as do not exist, or rivers break their course through rocks and plains to run into an ocean which is not to be found. For God does not create a longing or a hope without having a fulfilling reality ready for them. But our longing is our pledge, and blessed are the homesick, for they shall come home.

Isak Dinesen


“Wherefore each part 
of my hard heart
meets in this frame,
to praise Thy Name:
that, if I chance to hold my peace,
these stones to praise Thee may not cease.”
George Herbert 


(…..sometimes the greats say it better.)

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